WHERE: Castaway Summer Camp (Detroit Lakes, MN)

WHEN: July 30, 2025 - August 3, 2025

Departure: We will meet at 9:45am at Cloquet High School (Door #10 lot) to board vans for Camp!  We will have a lunch stop about halfway through the drive and arrive at Castaway about 2:30pm 

Return: We will leave Castaway at 1:30pm and return to CHS about 5:30pm. Your camper can contact you with more specific time as we are driving!

COST: $700 ($50 deposit required, fundraising is available!)

(There's a $50 discount if you register on or before March 16th!)

After completing this form, a confirmation will be sent with the information you have entered below. 

We will send an important email within 7 days with details like fundraising opportunities and health form.

In June we'll send an email with updated itinerary and packing information

Please be sure to check your email!


Any questions or need more info?

WyldLife Director Liz: (763) 486-0622

Area Administrator Maggie: (218) 380-2587

Participant Information

  • Please select to make a deposit or full payment below. This will be paid by credit card.

  • Select "check/cash" in payment area below. Please provide $50 deposit to Liz asap or mail to P.O. Box 92 Cloquet, MN 55720

You agree to Young Life's terms and privacy policy. Msg & Data rates may apply.

Young Life's desire is for every person to feel a sense of belonging. Participants who need aids or other disability related accommodations to participate in Young Life's programs are invited to make their needs and preferences known. Interested participants should provide as much advance notice as possible.

  • We will be in contact about our upcoming summer camp fundraiser!

Parent / Guardian Information


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software